
时间:2023-02-16 16:00:08 来源:网友投稿




























  职称英语考试虽然是允许带词典进考场的,但是也不能完全指望到时候查词典,如果全部查词典是来不及的,所以还是要背些许单词。如果上班族时间精力都有限,也可以借助背单词的软件工具 ,图文并茂,适合短时间内把职称英语的几千词汇都过一遍。 职称英语考试大纲中虽然规定不会直接考语法,但是考试中还是会有一些题目与语法相关,比如概括大意与完成句子部分和完形填空部分,容易考虚拟语气这类的语法,所以这类的语法知识还是需要掌握一些的。








  [a] 以逸待劳职称英语考试与一般的英语考试相比较,有两个最大的特点;一是考试约有40分左右的题目来自教材。二是考试可携带词典。由于词汇部分(15分)可利用词典查出,换句话说,只要能掌握快速查词方法并答对两道来自教材的大题就已经能确保45分左右。因此查词所需时间与如何牢记文章答案是学习的关键内容。我们建议大家尽可能熟悉必备词汇表中的单词,减少考场上的查词量,因为考试中词汇部分*均有4-7分来自其中(历史上最多曾有14分来自教材);

  [b] 对于文章答案的记忆切忌死记硬背,应熟读文章译文,弄懂每题的答案依据,把握正确答案规律。


  [a] 学会取舍职称英语考试时间为120分钟,采用机读卡阅卷,考生须将65道题的答案涂写在答题卡上成绩方有效,仅此一项就要耗费10分钟左右的时间。在剩余短短110分钟的时间内,不可能每题必答,应根据分值学会舍弃。例如,第二部分阅读判断与第三部分概括大意完成句子当留在最后答。除词汇部分外,考生的主要精力应放在两道原题和剩余的两道阅读理解题上。按照经验,只要再能从非原题的阅读理解题中得到12分以上,即基本保证及格。考场时间的合理分配意在有所答有所不答,舍乃是为了得。


  [a] 犹豫不决的全放弃我们建议大家在考场上放弃所有不能确定答案的题,把答完原题后所剩时间用于攻克两篇阅读理解中较易的(借助技巧辨别其难度)2至3道题,其余(7至8题)一律选择一个同样的选项,这样的话得分不会低于12分。此外,例如在第五部分补全短文中,只需确定1道题的答案(利用简单的方法),其余4个空格全部选择同样的选项,只用很少时间就能得到4分。










































  The Day a Language Died

  When Carios Westez died at the age of 76, a language died, too. Westez, more commonly

  known as Red Thunder Cloud, was the last speaker of the Native American language Catawba.

  Anyone who wants to hear the songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where, back in the 1940s, Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations. __________ (46) They are all that is left of the Catawba language. The language that people used to speak is gone forever.

  We are all aware of the danger that modem industry can cause the world"s ecology (生态).

  However, few people are aware of the impact widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the word. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi have become powerful languages as well. __________ (47) When this happens, hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few die out.

  Scholars believe there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years. There are many examples, Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is spoken by only a few older *s, so like Catawba, Araki will soon disappear. Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers. __________(48) In the Americas,100 languages, each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, are dying out.

  Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the danger of language death and to try to do something about it. He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe, and the language was not his mother tongue.__________ (49) The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular. Now he is gone, and the language is dead.

  What does it mean for the rest of us when a language disappears? When a plant insect or animal species dies, it is easy to understand what has been lost and to for the balance of the natural word. However, language is only a product of the mind. To be the last remaining speaker of a language, like Red Thunder, must be a peculiarly lonely destiny, almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species. __________ (50)

  A. Some people might want to learn some of these songs by hearts.

  B. Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different language, but more than 100of them are in danger of extinction ( 灭绝 ) .

  C. However, he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carcinoma where he learned the language.

  D. These languages don"t have many native speakers.

  E. For the rest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.

  F. As these languages become more powerful, their use as tools of business and culture increase.


  46.A。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲到那些想要听卡托巴语歌曲的人就需要联系Smithsonian机构,因为早在20世纪40年代,Red Thunder Cloud为未来的后代灌录了一系列的歌曲;空白处后一句说的是这些歌曲都是以卡托巴语保留的"。由此可知空白处应该讨论这些卡托巴语歌曲的事情,所以A(有些人可能想要用心学习这些歌曲)比较合适,符合内容一致的原则。

  47.F。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲的是汉语、西班牙语、俄语和印地语已经变成很强大的语言(powerful),与F项中powerful一致,而且these languages与空白处前的languages“Chinese,Spanish,Russian,and Hindi”指代也比较一致,所以F(当这些语言变得更加强大时,他们作为商业和文化的工具的使用就会增加)符合原文,符合指代一致的原则。

  48.B。从原文来看,空白处之前的句子说的是埃塞俄比亚的许多语言也面临着消亡的命运,因为说那些语言的人太少了;空白处之后的句子说的是在美洲有近100种语言因为说话人少于300人也正在消亡。所以空白处谈论的也应该是语言消亡的例子,再结合第三段的首句可知本段主要谈论语言的消亡,所以B(新几内亚有着非常丰富的不同语言的来源,但是有100多种语言正濒临灭绝)是正确答案,符合内容与段落主题句一致的原则,其中die out反复出现。

  49.c。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲的是Red Thunder Cloud并非出生在卡托巴,而且卡托巴语也不是其母语;空白处后一句讲的是他为Smithsonian机构所唱的歌曲使得美洲本土的音乐流行起来。因此,空白处谈论的还是RedThunderCloud唱歌的问题,所以C(但是,他经常访问South Carcinoma的Catawba的保留地,并在那里学会了这种语言)比较符合原文语义,从逻辑上解释了为什么卡托巴不是Red Thunder Cloud的母语,但是他却会唱卡托巴语的歌曲,符合上下文逻辑一致的原则。

  50.E。从该段的首句来看,本段主要讨论语言消亡给我们带来的后果,从剩余的两个选项D和E比较来看,E选项(对我们剩下的人而言,当语言消亡的时候,我们失去了用一种独特方式观察和描述这个世界的可能性)符合该段的内容,而且E项中的“for the restofus”与段落首句的“for the rest ofus”也保持了一致。


  The Day a Language Died

  When Carios Westez died at the age of 76, a language died, too. Westez, more commonly

  known as Red Thunder Cloud, was the last speaker of the Native American language Catawba.

  Anyone who wants to hear the songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where, back in the 1940s, Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations. __________ (46) They are all that is left of the Catawba language. The language that people used to speak is gone forever.

  We are all aware of the danger that modem industry can cause the world"s ecology (生态).

  However, few people are aware of the impact widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the word. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi have become powerful languages as well. __________ (47) When this happens, hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few die out.

  Scholars believe there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years. There are many examples, Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is spoken by only a few older *s, so like Catawba, Araki will soon disappear. Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers. __________(48) In the Americas,100 languages, each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, are dying out.

  Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the danger of language death and to try to do something about it. He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe, and the language was not his mother tongue.__________ (49) The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular. Now he is gone, and the language is dead.

  What does it mean for the rest of us when a language disappears? When a plant insect or animal species dies, it is easy to understand what has been lost and to for the balance of the natural word. However, language is only a product of the mind. To be the last remaining speaker of a language, like Red Thunder, must be a peculiarly lonely destiny, almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species. __________ (50)

  A. Some people might want to learn some of these songs by hearts.

  B. Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different language, but more than 100of them are in danger of extinction ( 灭绝 ) .

  C. However, he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carcinoma where he learned the language.

  D. These languages don"t have many native speakers.

  E. For the rest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.

  F. As these languages become more powerful, their use as tools of business and culture increase.


  46.A。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲到那些想要听卡托巴语歌曲的人就需要联系Smithsonian机构,因为早在20世纪40年代,Red Thunder Cloud为未来的后代灌录了一系列的歌曲;空白处后一句说的是这些歌曲都是以卡托巴语保留的"。由此可知空白处应该讨论这些卡托巴语歌曲的事情,所以A(有些人可能想要用心学习这些歌曲)比较合适,符合内容一致的原则。

  47.F。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲的是汉语、西班牙语、俄语和印地语已经变成很强大的语言(powerful),与F项中powerful一致,而且these languages与空白处前的languages“Chinese,Spanish,Russian,and Hindi”指代也比较一致,所以F(当这些语言变得更加强大时,他们作为商业和文化的工具的使用就会增加)符合原文,符合指代一致的原则。

  48.B。从原文来看,空白处之前的句子说的是埃塞俄比亚的许多语言也面临着消亡的命运,因为说那些语言的人太少了;空白处之后的句子说的是在美洲有近100种语言因为说话人少于300人也正在消亡。所以空白处谈论的也应该是语言消亡的例子,再结合第三段的首句可知本段主要谈论语言的消亡,所以B(新几内亚有着非常丰富的不同语言的来源,但是有100多种语言正濒临灭绝)是正确答案,符合内容与段落主题句一致的原则,其中die out反复出现。

  49.c。从原文来看,空白处前面一句讲的是Red Thunder Cloud并非出生在卡托巴,而且卡托巴语也不是其母语;空白处后一句讲的是他为Smithsonian机构所唱的歌曲使得美洲本土的音乐流行起来。因此,空白处谈论的还是RedThunderCloud唱歌的问题,所以C(但是,他经常访问South Carcinoma的Catawba的保留地,并在那里学会了这种语言)比较符合原文语义,从逻辑上解释了为什么卡托巴不是Red Thunder Cloud的母语,但是他却会唱卡托巴语的歌曲,符合上下文逻辑一致的原则。

  50.E。从该段的首句来看,本段主要讨论语言消亡给我们带来的后果,从剩余的两个选项D和E比较来看,E选项(对我们剩下的人而言,当语言消亡的时候,我们失去了用一种独特方式观察和描述这个世界的可能性)符合该段的内容,而且E项中的“for the restofus”与段落首句的“for the rest ofus”也保持了一致。


  Freezing to Death for Beauty

  People in Beijing wear a lot of clothing during winter to fend off the cold.In the United States, however, people wear (51) partly because the car is theprimary mode of transportation. Cars take (52) straight to their workplaces,which are heated well. The American diet is full of calories, so their (53)canafford to burn heat more quickly.

  Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay (54) Lots ofYale girls wear skirts (55) when it"s 10 degrees Centigrade outside. Some ofthem at least wear boots, tights, and leg-warmers1.Some,however, really just gofor the look (56)the risk of health2.These girls have nothing to prevent theirlegs (57)the wind, and no socks to protect their feet. A mini skirt and a pairof stilettos are all that they wear.

  Typically, the ones pursuing fashion are (58) with little body fat. Just bythe nature of their bodies, they are already at a disadvantage compared withnormal people in (59) weather. I have always (60), whenever I pass these girls,how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile like spring hadarrived3.

  And then there are the guys. The girls can be said to (61) health forbeauty. But why do guys (62)so little? It is not like, once they shed somelayers, they suddenly become better-looking. They are not exactly beingfashionable when they (63)wear sporty shorts and shower slippers in the midstof winter. It"s not cute.

  Of course, people have the freedom to look whatever (64) he want. I am justsurprised that, given the vast difference between winter and summertemperatures in Connecticut, they can still (65)like they are partying on thebeach in the middle of February.

  51. A. scarce B. less C. littleD. least

  52. A. people B. students C. shoppers D.them

  53. A. arms B. heads C. legs D.bodies

  54. A. bony B. thin C. fashionable D. hungry

  55. A. even B. sometimes C.frequently D. occasionally

  56. A. in B. for C.at D. on

  57. A. with B. against C. aboveD. under

  58. A. fat B. ugly C. short D.skinny

  59. A. warm B. cold C. cool D.hot

  60. A. dreamed B. stated C. claimed D.wondered

  61. A. sacrifice B. devote C.suffer D. endure

  62. A. bear B. carry C. wear D.put on

  63. A. only B. seldom C. rarelyD. hardly

  64. A. method B. road C. way D.avenue

  65. A. see B. resemble C. show D.look


































  1. 红花词

  a. 一类红花:allof the above( 一般在第四项,且没有失手过)。objective一般在态度题上必选

  b. 二类红花:may,might, can, could, likely, usually, relatively, important, some及其派生词(something,someone, somebody)

  2. 绿叶

  a. 一类绿叶:noneof the above, indifferent(无关紧要的), only

  b.二类绿叶:must,always, every(以及其派生词),each,all, absolutelt, at all

  3. 红花绿叶的理论基础





——执业药师考试合格标准及报考条件 (菁选2篇)



  一、合格标准 专业名称 科目名称 试卷满分 合格标准

  执业药师 药事管理与法规 100 60

  药学综合知识与技能 100 60

  药学专业知识(一) 100 60

  药学专业知识(二) 100 60

  中药学综合知识与技能 100 60

  中药学专业知识(一) 100 60

  中药学专业知识(二) 100 60












——职称英语考试词汇:介词on的用法 (菁选2篇)


  a)动词+ on。介词on表示“凭借,产生某结果,接通”等意思:

  act on对…有作用, bring on促使;导致, call on拜访某人,

  count on依赖, carry on执行, depend on取决, feed on以…为生,

  figure on料想;推断, go on继续, have on穿着, insist on坚持,

  keep on继续, lean on依赖, live on以…为生, pull on迅速穿上,

  put on穿上, switch on接通(电源), take to喜欢;养成;轻易学会,

  turn on接通(电源), work on操作, wait on侍候。例如:

  This kind of medicine acts on the heart. 这种药对心脏有好处。

  The fine weather brings on the crops nicely. 好天气促使庄稼长势良好。

  We count on you to help. 我们有赖你的帮助。

  b)动词+sb.(sth.)+ on +sb.(sth.)。on的意思是“以…,对…,在某方面”:

  base on以…为基础, congratulate on恭贺, fix on固定, have mercy on怜悯,

  have pity on怜惜, keep watch on监视, spend on把时间、精力花在某方面。


  Theory should be based on practice. 理论联系实际。

  Congratulate on your success in the competition. 恭喜你竞赛获得成功。


  be dependent on依赖, be hard on对某人苛刻,

  be impressed on对…印象深刻, be keen on渴望, be strict on对…严格。


  We can’t just be dependent on our parents. 我们不能只依赖父母。

  He is keen on going abroad. 他渴望出国。




  Tunguska Event

  1 A hundred years ago this week, a gigantic explosion ripped (撕裂) open the day y above a forest in western Siberia, leaving a scientific riddle that endures to this day.

  2 A dazzling light pierced the heavens, followed by a shock wave as strong as 1,000 atomic bombs. The explosion flattened 80 million trees across an area of 2,000 square kilometers. The fireball was so great that, a day later, Londoners could read their newspapers under the night sky. What caused the so-called Tunguska Event, named after the nearby Podkamennaya Tunguska River, still remains a mystery.

  3 Experts suspect it was a rock that, after traveling in space for millions of years, was destined to crash to Earth at exactly 7:17 a.m. on June 30, 1908. This possibility worries scientists. “Imagine an unspotted asteroid (小行星) hitting a significant chunk(块) of land ... and imagine if that area, unlike Tunguska, were populated,” the British science journal Nature commented recently.

  4 But no fragments of the “rock” have ever been found. Finding such evidence would be important, for it would increase our knowledge about the risk posed by dangerous Near Earth Objects (NEOs), say Italian researchers Luca Gasperini, Enrico Bonatti and Giuseppe Longo. When the next Tunguska NEO approaches, scientists will have to decide whether to try to deflect (使偏转) it or blow it up in space.

  5 However, several rival theories for the Tunguska Event exist. Wolfgang Kundt, a professor at Germany"s Bonn University, believes the Tunguska Event was caused by a massive escape of 10 million tons of methane(甲烷)-rich gas from deep within earth"s crust. Some people hold that the explosion was caused by an alien spaceship crash, or a black hole in the universe.

  23. Paragraph 2

  24. Paragraph 3

  25. Paragraph 4

  26. Paragraph 5

  A. Competing Explanations

  B. Unknown Attacks

  C. Mysterious Explosion

  D. Star War

  E. Importance of Finding Evidence

  F. Explanation that Worries Scientists

  27. The gigantic explosion that occurred a hundred years ago

  28. The shock wave which followed the dazzling light

  29. The hypothesis that the explosion was caused by a rock colliding with the Earth

  30. Wolfgang Kundt, who has developed an alternative theory

  A. has remained a puzzle

  B. lacks sufficient evidence

  C. is a university professor

  D. was generated by the explosion

  E. will kill many animals

  F. are attacked by aliens








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